Here you will find lyrics to most of our songs. Keep checking back as more songs are added. Eventually we will make detailed album pages with links to lyrics, sound clips, videos, streaming and purchase links, and maybe even brief commentaries. Feel free to email us any questions. Enjoy!
Upcoming Album (20xx)
Wave Song (Lay Your Love Down On Me)
Waterwheel (2008)
1. Apocrypha
2. Imminent
3. Wonder
4. Masque
5. Spinner
6. Mirror Dream
7. Lucidity
8. April Rain
9. Harpoon
10. Devastation
Praise to All You Hear (2010)
1. Dreams Fall Away
2. The Abyss
3. Crater
4. Tell Me True
6. Snowdrift
7. Mutagen
8. The Grid
9. Shuttle
10. Skyward
11. All For You
12. Misheard
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