Upcoming Shows:
To contact Aoeria about playing at a venue, festival, radio/video station please send all emails to Frank at aoeria@aoeria
For the lastests updates check us out on Facebook and Myspace please send our music to anyone who might enjoy!!!
previous shows
Bartini Bar, NY
Oct 14th 2011 - Redstar, Brooklyn
2011 - Bartini Bar, NY
November 4th 2011 - National Unerground, NY
September, 2011 - Bartini Bar, NY
June 18th - EgarageTV (3 song videotaped performance)
April 22nd 2011 - Fontana's, NY
May 19th 2010 - Shrine Music Venue NY
April 22 2010 - Bar East (acoustic)
April 9th 2010 - National Underground NY(Frank Acoustic)
August 1st 2008 - Uncle Mike's Tribeca NYC (Frank acoustic)
June 18th 2008 @ 169 Bar NYC (Frank acoustic)
May 3rd 2008 - 169 Bar NYC (Frank acoustic)
March 27th 2008 - 169 Bar NYC (Frank acoustic)
Dec 2006 Times Square Bar (Frank solo)
Nov 2006 Siberia (With Shawn & Ryan)
Oct 13th 2006 @ CBGB's NYC (With Shawn & Ryan)
We're interested in bringing Waterwheel to a venue that can present the video while we play live, if you know of a place with a projector that works with DVDs drop us a line to bounce around some ideas aoeria@aoeria
Also if you're a musician and interested in playing with us email us~ all instruments!